BI Solutions Made for You: How TARGIT’s Value Drivers Put the Customer in Charge

Originally published April 7, 2022. Updated June 10, 2024

Choosing a business intelligence (BI) solution that fits your unique business and industry can be a daunting task, but it’s a crucial step in growing your enterprise. A platform that will scale with your business, allow for detailed customizations, and be easy enough for non-specialists to use, seems like a far-fetched notion.

At TARGIT, we believe the success of a BI solution lies in how well it aligns with your specific analytics needs, and how easily it integrates with your existing operations. That’s why we build products that put our customers’ organizations first by focusing on their business goals and the processes that power their day-to-day operations.

The result? A user-friendly, customizable platform that scales with your organization as quickly as you need it to, keeping you in charge and your business growing.


Developing Customer-Centric BI Solutions


The journey from early computers to the smartphones of today was fueled by the need for wide usability. Advanced technology provides limited value when a select few have the specialized knowledge required to wield it. It’s no surprise, then, that a technically impressive BI solution is practically worthless if you have to be an expert to use it.


Our BI and analytics platform, TARGIT Decision Suite, is as friendly to the user as it is sophisticated in design, fusing complexity with ease of use. We help transform the way our customers implement and leverage BI by enabling them to see it as a performance management solution for business users rather than a costly, complex toolset that’s only valuable to technical specialists.

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This approach has been so successful, in fact, that TARGIT received a 97% recommendation rating in BARC’s 2024 BI & Analytics Survey, marking the sixth consecutive year TARGIT has received recommendation ratings over 91%.


Driving Value Across Industries


There is no one-size-fits-all BI solution. Generic software applications must be adapted to suit your organization before they’re of any use to you, which often means a lengthy, expensive implementation process and a steep learning curve for your end users. On the flip side, the right BI tool is one that’s been customized for your needs, delivering immediate return on investment.

TARGIT’s value drivers ensure the BI solutions we create and market alleviate common industry challenges and help our customers uncover new business opportunities. We develop out-of-the-box value drivers and focus our efforts on meeting customers’ key requirements.

Our solutions help customers reduce implementation time, alleviate cost and risk concerns, and increase the value of BI within their organizations. We drive value for our customers through features and capabilities like:

  • Dashboards and KPIs pre-configured for specific verticals
  • ETL and data models pre-configured for specific core source systems
  • Benchmarks pre-configured for key KPIs within specific verticals
  • Algorithms pre-configured for specific business problems

Our history of partnering with consultancies and vendors to deliver innovative solutions is a long and storied one. The value drivers that shape our individualized approach to BI have allowed us and our partners to expand their portfolio of offerings across several key verticals, including heavy equipment, truck and trailer, manufacturing, airports, automotive, and retail.

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With handy training resources and pre-configured assets tailored specifically for your industry, TARGIT’s value-driven solutions can save you months of frustration and loss. We’ve designed curated BI accelerators (BIAs) for heavy equipment (HE), complete with pre-built reporting structures for critical departments, like parts, service, and sales.

These accelerators integrate seamlessly with the internal management system that many HE dealerships already use. Thanks to our custom functionality and design, dealerships can connect systems like IntelliDealer, DIS, JDIS/EQUIP, Rentalmand, Texada, Dynamics, and others to TARGIT quickly and easily to start extracting and analyzing high-value performance data.


Paving the Way for Growth


When you need a BI solution that’s easy to use, infinitely scalable, and minutely customizable for your industry and your unique application, TARGIT leads the way with its data-driven BI and analytics platform.


Research and development at TARGIT never end, as the need for innovative solutions in a constantly evolving digital landscape will not likely subside. New developments are always in the works, like our latest product launch: a secure, cloud-based solution that brings analytics and data visualization to a whole new level.

To find out more about TARGIT’s cloud-based BI solution, request a personalized demo today.

See TARGIT in Action

Originally published January 18, 2022. Updated June 10, 2024