Explore the Top Features in TARGIT’s 2023 Product Release

Originally published November 6, 2023. Updated July 18, 2024
Ole Dyring
Ole Dyring
4 min read

We’re excited to announce the release of TARGIT Decision Suite 2023! Our latest product release brings a modernized core and scalable features to every business intelligence (BI) environment, improving performance on-premises and in the cloud.  

Highlights include:  

  • Cloud-enabled features that improve data handling and overall responsiveness 
  • The ability to integrate TARGIT with other cloud and on-prem services  
  • Enhanced performance in the TARGIT Anywhere client 

…and much more! 
Keep reading to get an in-depth look at the development strategy behind this release and the new features we’re most excited to share with you. 


Release Date Illustration

Our Approach: Modernization and Cloud-Enablement

With this release, we celebrate the modernization of our platform and a new and improved solution architecture that will enable us to adopt a continuous deployment model moving forward.  

We will now be able to release new features, updates, and bug fixes automatically as soon as they’re available. 

We’ve also implemented auto-testing and introduced a “Feature Flag Support” functionality that enables us to deploy new features while simultaneously developing others and releasing features to a select audience or user group for beta testing before sharing them with a wider audience.  

Apart from our continuous deployment model, we’ve filled the 2023 release with various features designed to help our customers stay agile and scale their BI operations easily and efficiently, no matter where they work.  

TARGIT Decision Suite 2023 delivers the exact same enhancements, performance, interface, and software both on-premises and in the cloud. It’s designed to pave the way for cloud-based BI and make it easy for organizations to scale their operations or number of users without starting over from scratch. 

These capabilities will enable regular on-premises releases and allow our cloud customers to access the latest TARGIT features right away with minimal downtime or manual updates required.  


Top Features in the 2023 Release 



Images in Crosstabs 

You can now add relevant images directly to each row of a crosstab alongside all other dimension member information.  


This feature is especially relevant for eCommerce and other product-focused applications, as it allows you to present product images alongside sales or inventory numbers. It can also be used to display barcodes or QR codes within crosstabs, so users can scan in inventory directly from a PDF or printed report rather than manually scanning each product.  

You might also use it to display employee headshots or geographical images when reporting on sales figures by representative or territory. Additionally, you can upload logos to differentiate multiple subsidiaries, store locations, or worksites that appear within a single report.  

You can add images to crosstabs via URL. These URLs are then rendered as an image within each crosstab cell.


Crosstab Load Limits  

Oftentimes, the full list of crosstabs is only included in documents for exporting purposes, and users rarely scroll to the end of each list. So, we’ve introduced a crosstab load limit to improve performance and load speeds on these data sets.  

When loading documents with more than 10,000 rows or 100 columns, only the first 1,000 rows and 50 columns load by default.  

Designer users will see a warning when the Load Limit is in effect and have the option to “Always show full dataset” rather than using the default load limit setting. When the Load Limit is applied, Consumer users will still have the option to “Load all” and see the rest of the data.  

All totals and subtotals shown in crosstabs still reflect the full data set, even if the full list of rows or columns is not visible by default. All other behaviors, e.g., exports, calculations, and Top lists, will also work upon the full data set. 

Crosstab Optimization


Parallel Querying and Rendering  

Our newest release uses "stateless" technology to enable parallel data querying and rendering, rather than the previous sequential method. This results in dramatic speed, quality, and overall performance enhancements, especially for dashboards with a large number of data objects. 


"From the time you begin the analysis until the data appears, TARGIT is more responsive and delivers a better user experience than previous versions. Plus, you can see that objects are loaded in parallel, even when an analysis contains many objects and measures." 


– Claus Donner, Senior Enterprise Architect, KMD DIMA Platform Dev., Operations & Adv. 


OpenID Enhancements  

Configure Languages in the Anywhere and Windows Clients 

Take control of document language settings in both Anywhere and Windows clients by configuring user language preferences through an OpenID script. Please note that while the OpenID language setting influences the user interface language for the Anywhere client, the Windows client's interface language is still governed by its internal language settings.


Auto-Refresh Tokens for OpenID Logins 

This feature ensures that scheduled jobs and TARGIT Analysis of data sources in Data Discovery continue to run as scheduled without requiring the user managing them to log into the OpenID environment. The token needed for the user running Scheduled jobs in TARGIT can now be auto-refreshed. Without this feature, the scheduled job will stop working if the user hasn't logged in for a while. 


Set Script to Query Identity Provider for Users and Groups 

Streamline the setup of rights and roles by pulling your existing search options from Windows Authentication directly into the OpenID environment via a script. This feature relies on Microsoft’s Graph API and allows you to look up user and group information from Azure Active Directory, which can then be used for Rights and Roles settings in TARGIT Management. 

230904 Release OpenID User info lookup and user token for Scheduled job


New Mobile App: TARGIT Mobile 2023  

Take your insights with you anywhere you go. TARGIT Mobile 2023 is a standalone lightweight client for TARGIT Decision Suite 2023 that features an updated design and the required capabilities to support our latest product release.  

Get alerts, drill into dashboards, comment on data, and share dashboards with other TARGIT users right from your mobile device. This app is available for download on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Please note that the old app is not compatible with future versions of TARGIT. 

TARGIT Mobile 2023 App-1


What’s Coming Up Next?  

We have an array of exciting updates, bug fixes, and new features on our product roadmap, each focused on helping you extract even more value from your data and scale your BI operations over time.  

Take a sneak peek at some of the features and enhancements we have in store for upcoming product releases:  

  • Generative AI capabilities, including the potential for self-trained models  
  • On-prem scaling via microservices  
  • Mashup Dimensions - Connect independent data sources to TARGIT’s frontend for multi-source analysis  
  • Filter Delegates - Use a specific group of items as a filter   


Get to Know TARGIT Decision Suite 2023  

Visit our community page to explore the full list of updates and features included in our 2023 release or review the change log to get a detailed overview.  
Feel free to report bugs in the TARGIT Support System and share feature requests or ideas at TARGIT Community. 

Get an In-Depth Look At TARGIT Decision Suite 2023

Originally published November 6, 2023. Updated July 18, 2024